Doug's parents came down this weekend, and we had an early Independence Day Celebration complete with playing in the sprinkler during the day, and sparkler's at night.
We are scheduled to get induced on June 30th. Here is my favorite belly photo, and some pics from the baby shower that my great friends from Oasis threw for me. Thanks so much girls for all you did to make that day special.
Saigel was invited to her friend, Emily's, birthday party last weekend. It had a Princess theme. As you can imagine, she had a wonderful time getting all dressed up and made up. After everyone got beatified, all the girls got to walk the runway. They were all adorable.
We had a great time this year at Vacation Bible School. Saigel was in the Preschool crew #1. Thanks to Amy Fly, I had a very relaxing week while she did all the prep before, during, and after VBS. We had over 50 volunteers, and over 80 students involved this year. There were 5 decisions for Christ by the end of the week. Super Fun!! ~cindy
We hope to keep all of you informed of what's going on in our world. That means there will be a lot of pictures and posts about Saigel and Sennett, but hopefully you won't mind. Add us to your favorites and check back often to stay informed on what we are up to!!